Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Philippians 2:19-30

Dealing With Warning Signs

Church splits like divorces rarely happen without warning. You can look back from these events and see that there were troubling signs that were neglected. As we come to the end of Philippians chapter 2, the Apostle Paul is seeking to deal with the problem before it gets out of control. In this chapter, he gives us four examples to follow so that our lives can be used to bring peace to the family of God and division.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Philippians 2:12-18

Working Out Your Own Salvation

The Philippian church was struggling with what many churches struggle with which was division. The Apostle Paul was encouraging them to be unified. And to that end he tells them not to work “for” their salvation, but to work “out” their salvation. Join us as we continue to study the second chapter of Philippians dealing with healing divisions in the Church.

Philippians 2:1-11

The Mind of Christ or the Mind of Satan? 

There are only two paths that we can live our life upon, the false and the true. We can follow the example of the fallen Cherub or the example of the descended Son. In Philippians chapter two we look at the emptying of the Son of God, and how we are called to follow His example.