Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Hebrews 3:7-19

Stop Being Mad at God

As we finish chapter three of Hebrews the author writes with a sense of urgency. He urges the reader to understand the grave importance of dealing with their disappointment with God. The author reaches into Israel’s distant past and reminds his readers of that generation that came out of Egypt and what happened when they became disappointed with God. Join us in our study of Hebrews as we learn that nothing good will come out of our private war with God.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Hebrews 3:1-6

Losing Jesus in the Church

How easy it is to become impressed with our devotion, our church, or some other aspect of our spiritual life. These things are good, but they should not be what we set our attention upon. When we surrender the greatest, in order to have what is just good, we are making the same mistake that the Hebrews who had turned to Christ were being tempted to make. Join us in the opening verses of Hebrews 3 as we learn what is to be supreme in the life of the Christian.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Hebrews 2:5-18

Why did the Messiah Become Flesh?

The stumbling block keeping many Jews in the first century from believing that Jesus was the Messiah, was that He was so ordinary. What the writer of Hebrews does for us in the second half of chapter two, is to tell us why the Messiah had to be made like us. Join us to learn how God’s plan for salvation was from eternity past.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Hebrews 2:1-4

Why We Drift

The great threat to the son or daughter of God is not suddenly finding ourselves in the middle of a moral collapse, but rather finding ourselves slowly drifting from our passion for Christ. The opening verses of Hebrews chapter two are valuable, for they tell us why we drift and how to cure it. Join us in our study as we discover why we are prone to wander from the God who loves us.

Leviticus 13-14

A study in Leviticus 13-14 from our Midweek Service at Harvest Fellowship with Pastor Paul Mowery.

For more information about Harvest visit: https://harvestfellowship.com