Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Jude 4-7

Privilege is Not a Guarantee of a Positive Outcome

The Book of Jude is a call to arms, a cry to awake a sleeping Church. As we move along in our study in Jude, we come to three groups that at one time found themselves in a place of privilege. All three groups eventually crashed and burned. Why did it happen and what can we do to keep it from happening to us? Join us as we study Jude’s wake up to the church.

Friday, April 23, 2021

Jude 1-3

 Once Delivered to the Saints

A common tactic of the false teacher is to suggest they have information that we need that our church doesn’t have. Jude is a great study on how to contend for the faith. We are told in this short letter what we have and when it was given. You and I have all the information we need to enter into eternal life. Don’t be fooled by our enemies empty promises.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

3 John 1:9-15

 The Flaws of Diotrephes

Coming to the end of 3 John, we discover a toxic Church leader that John needs to confront. This next section of Scripture provides us with great insight on what to look for so that we won’t be deceived by an illegitimate Church leader.  

A Picture of the Risen Christ in the Old Testament

Join us for our Easter 2021 Message.

Jesus said in John 5:39, "You pore over the Scriptures because you think you have eternal life in them, and yet they testify about me." The Scriptures that He was referring to, was the Old Testament. God’s revelation throughout the Old Testament announces beforehand the person and work of His Son. Join us as we look at one of the ancient sacrifices that was a foreshadowing of the resurrection.